Champion Website Development
Flip the Script:
BOOK Susan
to Your Group
Vision & Mission
Core Values
Who are WE?
WE envision a world where positive change is IGNITED by working together COLLABORATIVELY.
Communicate powerful messages of inclusion, compassion, and transformation through Connection and Story via multi-media arts and new media.
Sometimes called our ‘WHY’. Sometimes called our ‘raison d’etre’, our ‘noble cause--this is what makes us want to get up in the morning, makes us sing throughout the day, and dance all night.
Our core-values are what makes US a community!
In The Co-Creation Community, we call these our
6-C’s of Co-Creation: Consciousness
WE are CREATIVES: artists, authors, coaches, trainers, healers, entrepreneurs, actors, musicians, leaders, and change-agents who love to play together and want to change the world.
WE are YOU!
The Co-Creation Community offers individuals and groups support with communicating Voice and Story in print, online, in audio and video,
Our Champion Strategic Marketing and Social Media Workshops, Team Facilitation & Brainstorming Sessions, Website Development and Professional Book Editing Services have helped many Creatives share their Voice and develop their Presence to make a positive difference in the world.