Join the CoCreation Community
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The CoCreation Community's 2022
Programs & Services
and the
V.I.P. Benefits
For all the CCC V.I.P information, book a call with Susan ↓

Post With Purpose
as a
CoCreation Community V.I.P.
Are you an Artist, Creative or Right-Brainer who's feeling overwhelmed (and maybe a little terrified) by technology, and especially Social Media?
Does the thought of Facebook make you want to hide your face?
Instagram make you instantly want to run the other way?
Pinterest give you a poking pain in the you-know-what trying to figure out what to Pin and WHY?
And what about Zoom, Twitter, Clubhouse, Alignable, LinkedIn . . . ? ? ?
Feeling the OVERWHELM ?
Not to worry. We've got exactly what you've been looking for!
Go from TIRED (overwhelmed, frustrated, nervous) to INSPIRED with the
CoCreation Community VIP Program
It’s FUN !
It’s Co-Creative !
Posting With Purpose
helps you create an online presence where you communicate your passion and purpose so that your creative endeavor is seen and voice heard, resulting in more visibility, influence, and abundance
flowing to you.
Do you love Co-Creation - collaborating with brilliant creatives, just like YOU?
Posting With Purpose is perfect for you if you are an artist, author, coach, entrepreneur, or creative who is feeling a bit overwhelmed or left behind when it comes to your online presence and social media, and who also loves collaboration and knows that
"the whole is greater than the sum of its parts"!​
Not quite ready to be a CCC V.I.P.?
Fill out the form below to get on our email list so you don't miss any of the special events we have planned for 2022—like free "CoCreation Conversations" Zoom MeetUps once a month, "Mastermind in the Brilliant Zone" workshops, Speakers' Summits on a variety of topics and MORE!.

"Social Media makes the world smaller and brings our Hearts Together."
~ @LoriMoreno fromTheNickyBlog.com